Have you considered volunteering as a parent/coach? The league can always use more help. No experience needed and we provide training. You can register the same time as your child during registration or reach out to us via email or social media.
Please Click the link in the blue banner at the top of each page to Register only during Open Registration Dates.
Spring Travel ‘25 Deadline was 2/15
Travel Soccer U9 & Up: YOB 2016 & older
Travel teams practice 2x a week and games on weekends but schedule will vary per team.
Season runs from April to June.
Super Soccer Skills: Rec Spring Soccer ‘25 will be age-based, co-ed, hour long trainings on Saturday mornings.
Deadline is April 1st
Players born between 1/01/2015 to 12/31/2021. Season runs from end of April to June. Trainings are on Saturday mornings for 1 hour with Everson Soccer Academy trainers and volunteer coaches.
Preparing for practice:
All players must have shin guards under their socks/warm-up pants.
Players should bring water and a soccer ball (size 3 for players under 8, size 4 for players 8 and up.)
Players should dress appropriately for the conditions –
Hooded sweatshirts are best avoided for practice but if worn, the hood should be tucked in.
Jewelry (chains, watches, earrings, etc.) should be removed before coming to the field, please.
More details to be emailed to all registered players. Have a great soccer season!!
Register at Parent/Coach Volunteers needed.
*Note: The Board of Directors may change in-house age groups depending on the number of registrations received in each group. In House Schedule subject to change based on league needs and field availability.
IMPORTANT: Players and coaches must be registered under their proper legal name as per their birth certificate, for adults, other official documentation such as driver's license. Failure to do so may result in a registration being rejected.
Please Note: The registration system currently requests some health-related information about your child (insurance info, doctor, etc). It is not necessary to fill out these data in order to register your child. Please put "X" or "N/A" in any place where you do not wish to provide the information. The medical and Covid-19 releases are, however, mandatory. If there are medical conditions that may affect your child's participation in soccer, please ensure that the coach is aware of them as necessary. Thanks!
Please email osl.registrar@gmail.com with any registration questions